100% Fully Automated Algorithmic Live Market Trading Stats
AFT transparency means you are welcome to attend the futures trading group for free and see the 100% fully automated AFT8 server edition algorithmic trading systems in live market trading 24/7, including both live money and simulated trades in real-time. Stats are uploaded directly to the stats websites from the system and are reconciled with the trade platform and relevant brokerage statements.
Note: Stats, their meaning, and updates are discussed in the ATS trading room.
Trading Group User Stats
Trader members have hit up to 15K per day trading the ATS methods and systems. These results, along with proofs, are posted in the room for all to see and discuss within the VIP trading group. For trader user stats, the VIP group is where the action is. However, there are also some stats and information available in the Free Trading Group—traders post their live trading stats, evaluation, and prop firm performance stats. This is usually in a hybrid mode of AFT + AWT, which cannot be reproduced by a machine.
To view these stats, traders need to join and go through the process.
Current AFT8 Gen 2.0 Algos and Stats
Currently, we are still in the process of releasing the new Gen 2.0 of AFT8. While we show the algo server live stream working in the live market on sim/demo (paper) trading, we are not currently collating stats. This will happen once we have solidified the build and baselines. Some systems we run now are purely proof of concept to demonstrate the mechanical functionality of certain models, but they are not at the baseline level. This is a work in progress and will eventually replace the Gen 1.0 stats below.
100% Fully Automated Algorithmic Live Market Trading Stats
Current State as of June 2024:
- The stats database and website tech are archived and offline
- The new stats website and stats collation module for Gen 2.0 will replace the old system
- AFT8 Gen 2.0 is still evolving and will eventually link to a new, easy-to-use stats database
- AFT8 traders will also get a web stats system to track their trading
- Connect to ATS to get the latest updates & info
AFT8 Gen 2.0 Algos and Stats
As mentioned earlier, the Gen 2.0 release is still evolving. We currently show the algo server working in the live market on sim/demo trading, but we aren’t collecting stats at this time. Once the system is finalized, it will replace the Gen 1.0 stats. This is a transitional phase, but we will provide a new stats website to replace the legacy system, which was originally part of a hedge fund system project.
AFT Algo Trading Stats Gen 1.0 – Legacy Stats
- The stats database and website tech are archived and offline
- The new stats website and stats collation module for Gen 2.0 will replace the old system
Baseline Systems
These systems were raw, baseline, non-optimized, first-generation systems that demonstrated the premise of the signal and instrument. To test system functionality and signal validity, we invested real money in live trading for authentic stats. Pre-production live market paper sim account trading was also used for the most accurate stats until live trading commenced. The systems for US Indices Futures Emini, Micro Equity Indices, Eurex & Energy trading were all 100% fully automated—so automated, in fact, that even the server is automated and self-starts each week, then starts NinjaTrader, downloads data, opens workspaces, starts the algos, self-corrects stuck orders, handles anomalies, ensures contract rollovers are safe, and continues for months. This truly automated system can carry on where it left off or self-correct as a human would do.
Archived Stats for Trading Systems and Signals
Baseline Algo Trading Systems Stats
Baseline 100% fully automatic algo trading systems live market real-time simulation tests, with no optimizations. These are pure baseline results, showing all the good and bad, with full transparency for informational purposes. A baseline is simply set into motion with a reasonable premise and traded to see what information it provides. This is key for providing insight into market cycles and instrument probability ratings. From these views, our optimized systems will run in parallel, and we can compare the results back to the baseline. See below for BaseLine stats:
Emini Fund
Micro Fund
Stats for Trading Systems and Signals
Baseline Algo Trading Systems Stats
Baseline 100% fully automatic algo trading systems live market real-time simulation tests with no optimizations—pure baseline reality, showing all the good and all the bad, with full transparency for informational purposes. A baseline is set into motion with a sensible premise and traded to provide the insight necessary to gauge market cycles and instrument probability ratings. The view is key for comparison to later optimized systems and variants. See below sections for BaseLine stats:
Variant Algo Trading Systems Stats
100% fully automatic algo trading systems live market real-time simulation tests of variant systems, modified baseline system tests.