Trend Correlation both vertical and horizontal is provided by the Alpha Bias Trend System – within the market analyzer.
Trend momentum trading data stream is aggregated by the AFT TrendOmeter GUI into a proprietary formula – known as the AlphaBias, Confluence and Average Bias. Unlike traditional technical analysis this system is realtime and the actual market trend – not some projected or lagging view – this is the current state of price and trend – to be used in realtime.
Long only all winners not shorts allowed no chop TrendOmeter Trade Filter day trading futures trend scalping AFT7 Futures Automated Trend Trader Scalper Trading System AFT TrendOmeter Integrated with Easy Trader AFT TrendOmeter with Market Analyzer
AFT7 TrendOmeter is a premium product available as a standalone or integrated into the AFT Algo Pro Trader – please see pricing for details
AFT TrendOmeter is 100% free for sim,demo trading simply download and use a turnkey workspace to see it working, AFT7 Plug And Trade – Install, Connect and Trade
View this links for details of Automated Day Trading Scalper Turnkey Workspace.
The best traders know that a system is merely a system – it only becomes effective when its used at a time that is most suited for its success. So in other words you need to know when to trade and when to use a trading system. We can simplify the market into 2 states: messy/choppy and directional/trending.
Time wise as a regular schedule – the NYSE open is a good time to sit down to trade as statistically the market has a tendency to move and trend.
But it can be anytime for whatever reason that the market becomes in a tradeable moving directional state – for example market moving events or a self fulfilling price technical break from a price cycle of consolidation or merely the fact the big players have an obligation to make money and so are required to create a flowing market where all players can for a time win and keep the liquidity and profits flowing – the end result is the same and we don’t care why or who.
As mere mortals and traders we want to enter the market if possible at the start of this wave and ride it or to recognize the movement of a good easy market to trade and sit out the frothy choppy market- don’t be fooled by people who want to trade with death defying stunts – make life easy and sit out the chaos and look for the easy way. The main danger we have is trading is so easy a lot of times people think this is always the case and will hand it all back… So if we can stay out of danger that is better.
So with this in mind the Alpha Bias Trend correlation view of the AFT TrendOmeter and market analyzer view allow us to view and get the story of the us indices – by color.. is it all red ok that’s a short play, is it all green ok that’s long.. is it a mixed up jumble of colors ok that’s the markets not in sync.. Consider the ES as the sun as the center of the solar system and MYM and NQ and RTY in orbit… they may indeed go different ways at times… EMD And RTY are in fact a good pair to track.. NQ will go off and do what it does on the strength of the 25% tech giants – but all at some point will align and move with the ES as it is the worlds global leading indices -so orientate around this – at least consider it.
You might see a scenario of trend arbitrage whereby the NQ, ES and YM are long above the SFG Session open by a fraction and trending uniformly with the RTY lagging back… well -that is setup for a long on the RTY as it crosses to join the gravitational pull of the others… especially easy to spot if the EMD mid cap has already crossed….
So the purpose is to provide more scope and meaning context to trading -to make it higher probability by using the old saying the trend is your friend until the end.. nothing new here… we are just building tools on proven timeless methods for trading and evolving them.
AFT TrendOmeter – Integrated with “AFT Algo Pro Trader”
If you open the supplied turnkey workspaces then you should see it working alongside the AFT Easy Trader – NinjaBuddy GUI. You can toggle the off the tool bar menu.
Realtime TrendOmeter Filter – MultiTime Frame Trend Filter
Seen below is the a chart from the Workspace AFT SFG Breakout Trader-0000A-Generic-Micros with the TrendOmeters Filter set to on for realtime Signal Filtering based on the trend aggregation of 7 time frames and rules for long and short signal execution:
- Allow Long Trades when AFT% > 50%
- Allow Short Trades when AFT% < 50%

Market Analyzer – Alpha Bias Trend View
Here we can see above in the market analyzer – the overall market US indices trend is largely green/bullish so we would be more interested in a long – when the market analyzer is too messy/mixed in color its usually best to stay out. What we are looking for is a uniform/confluence of color and market direction green for long red for short – mixed state of color is neutral.
AFT TrendOmeter StandAlone – chart Indicator
You can add the AFT indicator “AFT 200- AlphaBias Trend” to a chart by itself to test.
- Open the “AFT TrendOmeter Demo” workspace to view the following

AFT TrendOmeter is powered by the MarketAnalyzer – Alpha Bias
- The Market Analyzer open with the relevant Instruments
- MES, MYM,M2K, MNQ is enough if you are trading micros only etc.
From the NT7 control center open the market analyzer and right click and load the template:
- 009ATrendometer for short terms
- 008ATrendOmeter for short to medium terms
NOTE: RTY Small Caps Trend Correlation with Mid Caps
if you want to track correlations with RTY -add the EMD mid cap if you are enabled for that.
AFT7 Downloads 100% Free for sim, demo, replay trading
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Related Links
- AFT7 Get Started Trading Futures with NinjaTrader and AFT7
- AFT7 Fast Start Guide
- AFT7 Downloads – AFT7 System Installers
- AFT7 Plug And Trade – Install, Connect and Trade
- AFT7 Session Open Breakout Trading Basics
- AFT7 TrendOmeter Basics
For more guidance tips tricks and videos please connect to AFT