AÂ quick note to update on changes of policy
This is a win-win model for winning mindset traders! So from time to time, we have to asses and adapt and evolve – as will our products. To ensure the best quality of service and maintain a sustainable support structure, we are updating our support, discord usage, and AFT8 version policy.
1. The challenges to deal with.
1.1 Support Overhead Black Hole win-lose
 Recently, weâve faced significant challenges with users who, despite our generous time investment and comprehensive support, have not engaged in a win-win partnership. Many have pursued personal quests that deviate from our step-by-step baseline systems Zero To Hero process, which is great self-assisted off-piste, but requires a constant support overhead requiring free special butler concierge support, 80% of the support overload caused by less than 5% of traders, and then typically vanished into the ether. This overhead leads to substantial lost time and resources, and delays in coding and releases, this is no longer a tenable support model. We must focus on the turnkey zero to hero path and let the freemium automated traders go their way self-assisted. The structured zero-to-hero way for the guys in VIP worked great so the support policy will focus on winners and the winning way and those who contribute; a win-win for all.
1.2 Discord Spammers Scammers
Solutions for the challenges
These above challenges, combined with the need to focus our efforts on genuine users who value our tools and support, have led us to adapt our policies. Our goal is to foster a community of dedicated traders who are committed to success and collaboration, ensuring that we can continue to provide top-tier service and create win-win scenarios for everyone involved. Changes are now in force as below:
2.1 ) Support Levels and model
- Free trials/VIP – access all groups + interactive support focus on zero to hero
- Free users – read-only self-assisted support + help desk for installation and troubleshooting
2.2) Discord In-Active Product User Pruning
Inactive product users kicked by ATS Bot from discord groups – users not logged into AFT or AWT, actively using will be assumed to be inactive- regardless of VIP or Freemium status.
- 150 users’ accounts have already been kicked/pruned out by ATS Bot- traders can join as explained in the article below.
- Note VIP users are affected too! I was not expecting to see some VIP users in that list go to, some are attending Discord – but are not actively logged into AWT or AFT, maybe just coasting in sim mode, so they are seen by the bot as inactive… so hence this news update and info:
- VIP users who are within renewal dates of subs will not be pruned as we fix that module and can rejoin via the Discord Group links:
- ATS Discord Groups inactive user pruning
2.3) AFT8 Old Versions Expiry
Old versions of AFT8 will expire and self-uninstall over time – traders who are using them for free live trading and free eval trading to avoid a sub need not panic, you can use the Get funded accelerator and save 80% and get a summer deal.!  See here for details: https://algotradingsystems.net/Pricing
- This could be due to a lack of communication with the handful of traders and we are now addressing it
- N.B: Polite update notices will be sent out to all, and then in a window of time, the older versions will expire and stop working and self-uninstall – so please update to the current versions to avoid complications.
- https://algotradingsystems.net/Downloads
Trading and winning mindset
We can only do what is right, what else happens, mistakes, challenges and bad actors and so on will be plenty on the way, wins and losses – that’s fine let it happen, it’s great! Grist from the mill! We are thankful to the experiences as we learn and move higher, our focus should be stoic pragmatic trading and developing and not wasting our time on the other, emotional reactions are not required – mistakes and challenges are opportunities to level up our game!